Mrs.C.Muthu Lakshmi

Mrs.C.Muthu Lakshmi M.Com.,M.Phil.,

Assistant Professor


1. Name (Block Letters) : C.Muthu Lakshmi
2. Designation : Assistant Professor
3. Department : Commerce
4. Qualification : M.Com., M.Phil.,
5. D.O.B : 06/02/1975
6. D.O.J : 01/02/2019
7. Phone Numbers (optional) : 9944091531
8. Mail ID(optional) :
9. Field of Specialization : Financial and Cost Accounting
10.Total Experience
1. UG : 4 Years 3 Months (till date)
2. PG : 2 Years
3. M. Phil : Nil
11.No of Guest Lectures presented : Nil
12.No of Journal Published : Nil
13.No of Workshop Attended : 2
14.No. of Special Address Delivered : Nil