1. Name :Mrs.M.Arifa Rizwana
3. Department : ENGLISH
4. Qualification : MA.,M.Phil
5. D.O.B : 29.08.1993
6. D.O.J : 24.08.2020
7. Phone No : 9384386959
8. Mail id : jancy2981993@gmail.com
9. Field of specialization. : Grammar, Prose, Fiction
10. Total experience :
UG : 2 Years 7 Months (Till Date)
PG : 1 Years 7 Months (Till Date)
M.phil : —
11.No of Guest lecturers Presented : Nil
12.No .of Workshop attended : 1
13.No of Special address Delivered : Nil
14. No of Papers Published in International /National journals : 1
15. No. of papers presented in International conference: 1